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Rough Diamonds
At diamonds.com, we give you the keys to detecting and recognising a rough diamond. Rough diamonds come in a variety of shapes and sizes, and can range from small crystals to large, complex structures. When unearthed from the depths of the earth, these diamonds may contain impurities, inclusions or natural formations that affect their quality and value. However, these characteristics can also add a distinctive charm and uniqueness to each stone.
Transforming a rough diamond into a brilliant, polished gemstone is a painstaking process that requires skill, experience and precision. The work of a diamond cutter is central to this process, determining how the stone will be cut and polished to maximise brilliance, fire and sparkle. The goal is to reveal the beauty hidden within the stone, removing imperfections and bringing out its best features.
The process of cutting a rough diamond involves key decisions about the shape, dimensions, and cutting style to be used, and at diamonds.com, we want you to keep this in mind. Each decision affects the final value and appearance of the resulting gemstone. Diamond cutters must consider not only the quality of the rough stone, but also market trends and customer preferences.

Once the cutting process is complete, rough diamonds become polished gems ready to be mounted in jewellery or traded on the gemstone market. Although rough diamonds have their own appeal and mystery, it is the art of cutting them that reveals their true beauty and value.